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Authenticity Guaranteed

All of our items are guaranteed authentic

Authenticity is the cornerstone of Replica Designer Handbag Store . Since the beginning we have had a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to 'fakes' or the attempted sale of unauthentic items. Every single product sold on our site or in our Greenwich storefront undergoes a rigorous authentication process before being sold or shipped to you as we understand the importance of trust and know that shopping for pre-owned luxury is not always an easy, straightforward task.

We are experts in determining what's genuine and what's not. To us, it's absolutely essential that our staff is thoroughly skilled, both in the art of authentication and in the curation process of newly acquired items.

Here at Replica Designer Handbag Store we stand behind the authenticity of each product we sell online with a 7-day hassle-free return policy if any item is deemed faulty or unauthentic.

Before any item is posted to the Replica Designer Handbag Store website or sold through our Greenwich, CT boutiques, it is meticulously checked for credibility, materials, stampings, serial tags, symmetry, stitching, hardware, authenticity/date codes, packaging and overall craftsmanship. This is instated to ensure that its details are consistent with the manufacturers established standards of quality and that you always receive a product that you can trust in. Everything is passed through this true and trusted authenticity test before it's even considered to be processed on consignment, let alone listed for availability on any of our selling channels. Additionally, each item is compared to on-hand authentic reference items. Our experts are thoroughly educated in detecting fakes. 

We take the authentication process very seriously and know that there is nothing that will ruin your day faster than shopping for pre-owned luxury, only to find out your purchase was a counterfeit.

We are here to put your worries to rest, and ensure to you that everything here at Replica Designer Handbag Store is 100% authentic. We live and breath by this rule.

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